Spark #09 – Is it time to topple the Four Horsemen of the Jargon Apoca-lingo?

Lofty words. Long, drawn out sentences. Complicated terminology. It very rarely sounds clever.
And when there’s jargon sprinkled throughout?
That’s the real engagement killer.
Jargon is often meaningless.
Yet it slips in without us realising.
Here’s some tips for tightening up your comms and giving your messages a corporate rinse.
The result – less waffle, more impact.

1. The Vague One
‘Going forward …’
Okay great, when exactly? Do you actually know? People want facts. Saying things like at some point doesn’t tell anyone anything – and there’s a danger people think you don’t know either.
Even worse, they might think you’ve got something to hide. Be specific – and if you don’t know the exact details, ‘fess up and tell the reader as much as you can. They’ll thank you for it.

2. The Exclusive One
‘Let us create synergy as DEI advocates’
Do you fall into the trap of using big fancy words or acronyms that only a few understand? It’s easily done. People will struggle to engage with a message they have to Google.
Ask yourself, would I use this language with my family and friends? If not, then don’t subject your colleagues to it either.

3. The Pointless One
‘It goes without saying…’
If it goes without saying, why do you want to say it? Chances are you do want to say it – you just need to remove the bit that implies you don’t. So look out for words or phrases that just don’t do, say or mean anything of value.
A simple test – does removing that word or phrase change the meaning of what you’re trying to say? If not, get rid (‘without further ado’ be gone!)

4. The Hackneyed One
(BS Bingo cards ready!)
‘Low-hanging fruit, anyone?’
These are the clichés – as well as being meaningless to our audience in general, they are often specific to language and cultures. For international readers, you may have just induced a communication barrier and a lot of blank faces.
Clichés also suggest we’re not thinking about what we’re saying. Strip them out and keep things simple – plain language will win over clichés every time.
Now we’re all ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’
How many horsemen have you managed to topple?
In your next comms, how else can you bin the clichés and tighten your messages? Take the reins and prepare to shift into your most powerful prose yet.

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