Spark #07 – Crack the code with cliffhanger comms – the secret’s out

Intrigue and secrecy
…whether fictional or real, offer so much for our brains to play with. They allow our minds to wander, and wonder – to be consumed by something out of our control, creating insatiable curiosity. And when the mystery is solved, a sense of accomplishment washes over us. We add up information we’ve unravelled, turning it into a meaningful story.
So could internal communications benefit from a little spritz of Agatha Christie, turning colleagues into the organisation’s own band of Sherlock Holmes?
Can’t help but take a peek
Seth Godin, author of Permission Marketing, shared how cold calling and TV ads that invaded your life were dying out.
Instead, he suggested creating great content that pricked the audience’s ears, eyes and minds with intrigue – content that’d nudge them to come to you.

In action
When promoting its latest game Titanfall, Microsoft released ads that ended with binary code. People took to Reddit to discuss the code and attempted to solve the mystery. Those who did ended up on websites that invited them into a contest where they could win prizes. The only way people could get involved was to become part of the online conversation.
Ultimately creating a community of gamers working together to solve the clues and as planned, talking non-stop about the new release.
Make it happen.
So whether you choose to break a campaign down into cliff-hanging chunks or sprinkle clues through a company announcement – make it fun. Offer an incentive for people to ‘crack the code’ – a prize or recognition.
Try it out. You might be surprised at just how much a touch of intrigue could stimulate interest in corporate messaging.
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
Albert Einstein - Theoretical Physicist

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