Spark #06 – Rediscover curiosity – what’s your flavour?

Our Rosie,
introduced a concept to the H&H team that helped us discover what kind of ‘curious explorer’ we each are. And that really got us thinking!
As children, we’re naturally curious. Always exploring, asking, seeking, and testing. Everything’s new – everything’s fascinating.
But as adults,
the security and confidence we gain from experience can mean we risk losing our innocent curiosity. Maturity can stop us asking ‘Why?’ about everything we encounter.
What do you think to this piece of wisdom from a Zen Master?

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.
Zen Master - Shunryu Suzuki

We reckon there’s beauty and truth in that idea, but it’s worth poking it around a bit. After all, being an expert in your field is (usually) pretty handy at work. Knowing your onions, your shallots and your leeks can make you a trusted source of strategic advice and support for clients and colleagues.
But sometimes…
Being the expert means we start to play it safe with the same tried and tested flavours, rather than creating an unexpected new taste experience.
So what would happen, if you stepped away from the well-thumbed recipe card and tried something different? Can we be expert enough to know what’s worked before, while seeking out new ways to get results?

We thrive when we keep discovering
And we excel when we know what kind of curious type we are. Because identifying this not only allows us to see what works for us, but in turn, get more done.
Are you ‘The Fascinated’, ‘The Problem Solver’, ‘The Empathiser’ or ‘The Avoider’?
Why not explore your style of curiosity – it might just help you add a spark of magic to the mixing bowl.

The Spark of an idea, a feeling, a sense, a curiosity.
It’s the best catalyst for creativity, connection and breakthrough thinking.
This is your weekly spark – who knows what it might ignite for you.
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