Simple tips for crafting an internal comms strategy

Have you created an overarching strategy for your IC activities? Or does the task feel too huge to handle?
Only 31% of internal communicators have an overarching strategy in place, according to Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2022 report. Fewer than two-thirds – 65% – have a plan for one or more campaigns, and a nerve-jangling 13% are simply winging it, with no written plans at all.
Yet connecting employees with purpose, strategy and values is the number one priority for IC teams around the world. We reckon a few dots need joining up! Here are six top tips from Saskia Jones – advice we first shared back in 2018 but which is clearly just as valuable today.
We internal communicators all know the benefits of having a strategy plan. It allows us to manage resources more effectively and efficiently, better articulate our role to leadership, and rally our team together under common goals. Without a plan, we can’t be sure we are aligned to the business, and delivering results.
So how can we make time to formulate a winning internal comms strategy under the weight of endless other impromptu requests? The focus should be on keeping it simple and manageable. Here are six steps to help you get started…
1. Link back to business goals
Internal comms strategies can become complicated and overwhelming by trying to include everything IC could potentially add value to.
Instead of trying to cram too much in, study your organisation’s goals in depth. Decide on three to five areas that internal communications could contribute to in the next year, and outline them in a one-page summary.
Be clear on how your internal comms goals will directly help deliver on the organisation’s goals.
Are staff disconnected from the leadership? Are they clear on the organisation’s goals and values? What is the area you most need to focus on in light of this?
2. Use data to inform your plan
Your goals should also respond to employee feedback and the results of your last employee engagement survey.
Are staff disconnected from the leadership? Are they clear on the organisation’s goals and values? What is the area you most need to focus on in light of this?
No part of the organisation should be ignored – you should have an idea of the needs and preferences of employees in different locations and groups. Your internal communications plan should be helping to solve problems, and facilitate change successfully.
3. Have friends in the right places
An internal comms strategy can’t be formed in isolation. To make a difference, we need to work closely with our peers in Marketing, HR, IT, and Strategy and Planning.
We need to work hand-in-hand to develop complementary plans – and not be the last in the chain to react to the other’s strategy.
Explain the clear link to business goals, insight from employee feedback, and alignment with other teams’ plans
4. Involve your team, but don’t create by committee
You need to develop your plan with your team. It’s not about completing it behind closed doors and then getting their buy-in afterwards. If it’s foisted upon them, they won’t feel any allegiance with it or desire to help make it happen.
Equally, strategies should not be formed by committee. Explain to your team the thinking process behind its creation – including the clear link to business goals, insight from employee feedback, and the alignment with other teams’ plans.
Give them your draft ‘plan on a page’ to generate discussion and get their suggestions before finalising it.
5. Measure success
Measurement can be done in multiple ways – pulse surveys, feedback forms, quick polls, online analytics and more. Consider how you can include both quantitative and qualitative data.
Having a top-level ‘dashboard’ is a great way to keep this on track. Include measurements for each goal, so you can continually review and adapt your tactics in line with results.
6. Get high-level approval
Your internal comms strategy plan should be approved at the highest level. Ultimately, you are helping the CEO and leadership team communicate with the workforce, and they need to be in total agreement with your internal communications priorities.
In the long term, this will lead to greater respect for you and your team. They won’t just turn to you to wordsmith a speech or come up with a newsletter – they’ll turn to you for strategic advice.
Keeping it all on track
Once you have your ‘plan on a page’, review it constantly. Keep it ‘live’ by referring to it at every team meeting, alongside your dashboard and content plan. Not only does it help keep everyone on track – it’s a great way to push back on activity that isn’t relevant to your goals, helping to reduce the volume of communication noise that your employees are facing.

Creating a comprehensive internal communications strategy isn’t easy to make time for, but it’ll pay off handsomely in the end. It’ll help you streamline your communications, become a trusted advisor to the leadership, and contribute impactfully to the organisation’s goals. All in six simple steps!
1. Goals
Link to business objectives
Be clear about how your internal comms programmes will directly support three to five areas of the organisation’s strategy.
2. Data
Use data to inform your plan
Make your IC activities relevant, and uncover priorities, by building your plans on employee feedback and survey findings.
3. Peers
Collaborate with others
Work with teams in other departments to shape plans that complement each other and avoid awkward surprises.
4. Team
Involve your colleagues
Get your team on board and enthused by bringing them into the creation process. But avoid ‘creating by committee’.
5. Track
Measure the plan’s success
Use pulse surveys, feedback forms, quick polls and online analytics to keep tabs on progress – and adapt tactics accordingly.
6. Agree
Gain top-level approval
Get buy-in and agreement from the highest level in your organisation. You’ll earn respect and be sought out for strategic advice.
Meet the author
Saskia Jones
Saskia was a talented Communications Consultant and Coach, specialising in internal communications and advising C-suite executives. Awarded ‘Internal Communicator of the Year’ at the Institute of Internal Communication Icon Awards, she made a huge impact in our industry – and with the organisations with which she worked.

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